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Amazon Smile Start July 15
Amazon Smile Help DeafBlind Camp by shopping through AmazonSmile Prime Day is July 15 & 16! Whenever you want to purchase something from Amazon use this link…. It will direct you to our page and you will see that it says “Supporting: DeafBlind Camp of Maryland INC” (under the search bar) Amazon will…
Dance or Dinner/Dance Party
Join the DeafBlind Camp of Maryland, Inc. June 13, 2019 Dinner, 5:30 p.m. – Program and Dance, 7:00 p.m. 5100 Chalk Point Road, West River, MD 20778 Get your tickets now!!! The Board of Directors is happy to announce that the DJ for our Thursday night Dance Party will be Deaf DJ Nico DiMarco….
Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction 2017
SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 2017 5 P.M. – 9 P.M. CHRIST METHODIST DEAF CHURCH 1040 S. BEECHFIELD AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21229 The flyer is attached.
National SSP Survey on Curriculum & Training Survey
Hello, everyone! We’ve been working on this survey for nearly a year, and we’re excited to finally be sending it out to all of you! The survey is now open for experienced SSPs, and here is the link: National SSP Survey on Curriculum & Training The National SSP Survey on Curriculum & Training…
Amazon Smile for Valentine’s Day
Amazon Smile for Valentine’s Day Support us when you shop for your Valentine. Go to and Amazon donates to Deafblind Camp of Maryland Inc. It will direct you to our page and you will see that it says “Supporting: DeafBlind Camp of Maryland INC” (under the search bar) Amazon will donate .5% of all your…
DeafBlind or Judaic interpreting Volunteers for 2017
Our friend, Leslie Foxman, is looking for volunteers! Feel free to contact her at [email protected] ================= Good afternoon everyone, You are receiving this e-mail because you are involved in either DeafBlind or Judaic interpreting, or have expressed an interest or skill in either. We may or may not know each other personally: you may…